EUROPE Archive

  • A visual look into my personal tradition of collecting shot glasses for keep sake memories while travelling.

    Another City, Another Shot Glass

    A visual look into my personal tradition of collecting shot glasses for keep sake memories while travelling.

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  • A photographic exploration of the twelve most incredible sights I’ve seen during my travels.

    Did I Really Just See That?

    A photographic exploration of the twelve most incredible sights I’ve seen during my travels.

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  • Hello Florida! It has been a while, and boy, have I missed you! Your relaxed, constant-vacation like atmosphere; your fresh, crisp ocean air and the warmth of your suns year-round rays. Ah, Florida; you really are something special. I am staying in Tampa with my friend, Christina and her husband, Mike. Funny enough, Christina used to be my Year 11 […]

    Good bye rain, hello sun shine!

    Hello Florida! It has been a while, and boy, have I missed you! Your relaxed, constant-vacation like atmosphere; your fresh, crisp ocean air and the warmth of your suns year-round rays. Ah, Florida; you really are something special. I am staying in Tampa with my friend, Christina and her husband, Mike. Funny enough, Christina used to be my Year 11 […]

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  • It was quite difficult saying farewell to all the amazing and wonderful people we met on Contiki. I’m convinced there were a couple of people amongst the group that I will remains friends with throughout life. Most of the group headed out the very next day we returned. I woke up early to bid them farewell. We hugged. We cried. […]

    London, I love you, I really do, but you just get way too cold…

    It was quite difficult saying farewell to all the amazing and wonderful people we met on Contiki. I’m convinced there were a couple of people amongst the group that I will remains friends with throughout life. Most of the group headed out the very next day we returned. I woke up early to bid them farewell. We hugged. We cried. […]

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  • Amsterdam, or, as we have learned to refer to it as, Amsterdamage is a vibrant and radiant city of the Netherlands. Amsterdam is the fifth most popular tourist destination in all of Europe and after stepping foot into this city, it is not hard to see why. The red light district houses countless sex shops, sex theatres, peep shows, erotic […]

    “But mum, it’s legal in Amsterdam…”

    Amsterdam, or, as we have learned to refer to it as, Amsterdamage is a vibrant and radiant city of the Netherlands. Amsterdam is the fifth most popular tourist destination in all of Europe and after stepping foot into this city, it is not hard to see why. The red light district houses countless sex shops, sex theatres, peep shows, erotic […]

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  • And today, for the first time ever, I finally saw snow! Never before in my life have I seen snow. I live in Melbourne, Australia. It never really drops below maybe 6 decrees Celsius in winter (43 degrees Fahrenheit). We never, ever get snow. You have to drive a fair way out of Melbourne to find snow up in the […]

    There’s a first time for everything…

    And today, for the first time ever, I finally saw snow! Never before in my life have I seen snow. I live in Melbourne, Australia. It never really drops below maybe 6 decrees Celsius in winter (43 degrees Fahrenheit). We never, ever get snow. You have to drive a fair way out of Melbourne to find snow up in the […]

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  • Wie geht’s dir? Was gibt’s Neues? How are you? What’s new? Where in the world is Lynda? Well, at the moment I am in Munich, Germany. This blog will be short and sweet because we are not here for too long. On the way into Munich yesterday we stopped in at Dachau Concentration Camp. Dachau was a Nazi German concentration […]

    Hallo! Guten Morgen!

    Wie geht’s dir? Was gibt’s Neues? How are you? What’s new? Where in the world is Lynda? Well, at the moment I am in Munich, Germany. This blog will be short and sweet because we are not here for too long. On the way into Munich yesterday we stopped in at Dachau Concentration Camp. Dachau was a Nazi German concentration […]

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  • The Hillssss are Aliveeee with The Sound of Musiccccc. Guess where I am? AUSTRIA! Yes, finally, I have made it to the land of The Sound of Music. The country in which my all time favorite movie was filmed in did not disappoint. First city we were visiting was Vienna, and our first stop, where else but the Schnapps Factory. […]

    The Hills are Alive with The Sound of Music…

    The Hillssss are Aliveeee with The Sound of Musiccccc. Guess where I am? AUSTRIA! Yes, finally, I have made it to the land of The Sound of Music. The country in which my all time favorite movie was filmed in did not disappoint. First city we were visiting was Vienna, and our first stop, where else but the Schnapps Factory. […]

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  • Unless you are from or have been to Croatia, who would have thought it would be so stunningly spectacular? Not me. Well, my Croatian friends had told me Dubrovnik was beautiful, but I had never really looked into it in depth. I was absolutely blown away at the sheer beauty that is Dubrovnik. “The Pearl or the Adriatic” as it […]

    Croatia – surprisingly sensational

    Unless you are from or have been to Croatia, who would have thought it would be so stunningly spectacular? Not me. Well, my Croatian friends had told me Dubrovnik was beautiful, but I had never really looked into it in depth. I was absolutely blown away at the sheer beauty that is Dubrovnik. “The Pearl or the Adriatic” as it […]

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  • Η Ελλάδα είναι μια υπέροχη χώρα – Apparently that means “Greece is a wonderful country” and I could not agree with it more! Our ferry ride over from Italy was so much fun. It was an overnight ferry ride so we had a cabin of four on the ferry. I must say, that was probably the best nights sleep I’ve […]

    Η Ελλάδα είναι μια υπέροχη χώρα – It’s all Greek to me!

    Η Ελλάδα είναι μια υπέροχη χώρα – Apparently that means “Greece is a wonderful country” and I could not agree with it more! Our ferry ride over from Italy was so much fun. It was an overnight ferry ride so we had a cabin of four on the ferry. I must say, that was probably the best nights sleep I’ve […]

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