5 Favourite Spots in Nottingham

Guest Post by Kirsty Fisher

Famed for Robin Hood, Nottingham is home to many wonderful and interesting attractions. Depending on your choice, activities range from wandering around beautiful gardens and parks to delving deep into the history in the City of caves. Having lived in Nottingham and explored and experienced a number of attractions, I’d like to recommend my 5 top choices of places to visit:

City of Caves

Hidden underneath the castle are manmade caves and tunnels dating back to the medieval times. The caves were used as housing in the 11th century and were previously known as ‘Tiggua Cobaucc” meaning place of caves.

Today it is a fantastic family attraction to experience what life would have been like years ago. On a guided tour guests can learn about how the caves have been adapted over the centuries  from medieval tannery to air raid shelters and will be transported back in time with the sights and smells, making it feel even more real.

Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem

Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem is claimed to be one of the oldest drinking establishments in England. What makes this pub even more special is that it is carved into the rocks of the Nottingham Castle. The quaint pub maintains a warm and friendly atmosphere and offers a wonderful range of real ales and food. The sloping sandstone walls and the open fire make it a cosy stop off point with heaps of history.

There is a model ship which is said to be the cursed galleon and owners would refuse to clean it believing that whoever did would have a mysterious death. With some of the bricks and mortar dating back 300 years, this unique gem is a must visit in Nottingham!

Wollaton Hall and Park

Set in the heart of Nottingham, Wollaton Hall is a grand Elizabethan mansion open to the public to immerse themselves in the history of the Hall. The grade one listed building provides a museum for the visitors to learn and explore. Many events are held at the park. Guests can enjoy the beautiful gardens and take one of the guided walks and talks available at the park. There is also the opportunity to enjoy a Segway tour which take place on the last Sunday of every month!

The park is a haven for a range of wildlife which roam around freely and the lake is wonderful to wander around on a relaxing summers day. The Camellia House is the oldest cast iron building in Britain and also sits in the park.

Nottingham Castle

Positioned on a high rock, the castle provides spectacular views over Nottingham city. Previously a royal fortress and royal residence and later demolished, fragments still remain today to demonstrate how the site would have been.

Inside the Castle is a museum and art galleries which tell the story of Nottingham through exciting displays and exhibitions. In the temporary exhibition there is a range of photography and paintings as well as textiles and sculptures. Some previous shows have included Andy Warhol and other famous artists. The medieval playground provides a place for the children to play whilst parents can relax in the beautiful gardens.


Sherwood Forest

The home of the famous Robin Hood, Sherwood Forrest contains some of the oldest trees in Europe. Major Oak trees still produces acorns after 800 years! There are a number of trails set up which guests can enjoy depending on how long they want to take and what they hope to see. Walking through the forest is an enchanting experience where insects and wildlife live in their natural habitat, a chance to appreciate nature.

The park hosts the Robin Hood Festival which takes place once a year in summer. As well as featuring some of the characters from Robin Hood, there is also a range of entertainment such as musicians, jesters and fire eaters creating a medieval atmosphere for everyone to enjoy.


