A Cultural Journey Across Indonesia – Bali’s Devdan Show Review

If you’re like me and didn’t have enough time to explore Indonesia outside of Bali, then this 90-minute stage performance can give you a whirlwind wrap-up of the rich cultures that make up Indonesia from the comfort of a theatre seat. Devdan is a mixture of both dance and Cirque du Soleil-style performances, introducing you to the treasures of the Indonesian archipelago; Bali, Sumatra, Java, Borneo and Papua regions.

The stage show begins when two children, a young boy and girl, who are part of a tourist group in Bali are unenthused with the tour schedule and decide to separate themselves from the rest of their group. They climb a cliff and discover a treasure chest containing various unique items, each one transporting them to different cultures within Indonesia.

Devdan Show Review

The children are taken on a whirlwind adventure with exotic costumes, traditional dances and whimsical performances that include a rain dance, fire-twirling scene, and a stunningly beautiful aerial silk performance.

Devdan Show Review Bali

Devdan Show Review Bali

Devdan Show Review Bali

Devdan Show Review Bali

While I did enjoy the show, I found it hard to over-look the cheesiness of the two children – their actions and words seemed overly exaggerated. Having given this some thought though, I think this may have been purposely interpreted in an almost parody-like manner to mimic out the actions and sometimes ignorant behaviour of tourists when they are abroad. I’m sure you’ve come across these tourists before in your travels!

I was also a little confused by the scene where people dressed in monkey outfits bust out hip-hop dance moves to the Pussy Cat Dolls ‘Buttons’ – I just couldn’t figure out the correlation of how this fit in or what its purpose was within the culturally-focused storyline.

Devdan Show Review Bali

Devdan Show Review Bali

Devdan Show Review Bali

Devdan performs at 7:00pm four nights a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday) at Bali’s Nusa Dua Theatre. The show is approximately 90 minutes in length and tickets range from $40-$120 USD. The theatre isn’t extremely big, so there isn’t really a bad seat in the house. Tickets can be purchased online or at most hotels within the area.

Devdan Show review

Devdan Show review

Devdan Show review

*We received two complimentary tickets to the Devdan Show, but all opinions are my own. 

