
Hola! Buenos tardes de España!

Hello! Good afternoon from Spain! This blog is going to be short and sweet; just like our time here in Barcelona.

We are staying at a camp site right on the beach. Luckily, though, we are not camping. Instead, we have cute little cabins that we are sharing amongst three of us. Our first night here consisted of a group party on the beach. About 25 of us went and bought some munchies and alcohol and partied late into the night. We also took a dip in the Mediterranean Sea… another enormous water mass to tick off my swimming list!

Our time in Barcelona was scarce therefore sight-seeing was minimal. The one major thing I aimed to set sight on, however, was La Sagrada Familia; an enormous Roman Catholic church which began construction in 1882 and is still under construction till this very day. The church was originally designed by Antoni Guadi. He worked on the project for over 40 years and the last 15 years of his life were devoted purely to this endeavor until his death in 1926. He was run over by a tram and due to his ragged attire and empty pockets, cab drivers refused to pick him up for fear that he would be unable to pay the cab fare. He died three days after this incident.

The design and concept of La Sagrada Familia is absolutely phenomenal; Gaudi truly was an architect of caliber not seen in today’s world. Many of his works can be found throughout Barcelona.

That night we planned on having a big night out on the town. We had heard Barcelona was known to be a wild, party city, so we wanted to experience this partying culture. We set out late, around 11pm. Our cab driver, playing dumb, pretended to not understand English. Us, not being able to speak Spanish caused some difficulties, and as a result, our cab driver ripped us off terribly. We were not impressed. Bad start to what we hoped would be an amazingly fun night. We decided not to let this get us down. We walked into the club we had chosen to party at for the night and ordered five shots each, straight up! The night was a continuous flow of liquor, great music, local Spanish boys and bar-top dancing! We partied late into the early hours of the morning, and oh, what a memorable night it was!

Adios, España!

_____________La Sagrada Familia______Bar-top dancing at a Barcelona nightclub



