SeaWalker Bali at Grand Mirage Resort – Review

love being on the water; kayaking, swimming, jet skiing, fishing, snorkelling – you name it, I’ve probably done it! Diving, however, is something I’ve always refused to do simply because I’d be deep within the dark shadows of the ocean, purely dependent on an oxygen tank clad to my back – no thank you!

Enter the SeaWalker experience – a way to explore the ocean floor without an oxygen tank, just by breathing freely… I mean, YOLO! Haha, yes, I did just say that. SeaWalker Bali

The SeaWalker experience is one of the free daily activities you can select as part of the all-inclusive package at the Grand Mirage Resort where we were staying in Bali, so naturally I jumped at the opportunity!

The adventure begins with a short boat ride from the Grand Mirage Resort to a barge floating out in the middle of the Indian Ocean. Here, you are given a short briefing by your SeaWalker instructor before the real fun begins! To begin the process, you climb half way down the barge ladder until your shoulders are even with the water and your head is still fully visible. Here, you are fitted with your SeaWalker helmet – the helmet itself is quite heavy so as soon as it’s placed over your head and it’s correctly balanced on your shoulders, you continue to climb the ladder until you are completely under water and your feet are firm on the ocean floor. This is what my helmet looked like…

SeaWalker Helmet

It may come as a surprise to many that once under water, despite the fact that there is an opening in the helmet, it does not fill up with water and you just continue to breathe normally as you would on land. It is hard to convince your brain to think that way, but once you do, it’s an awesome experience from there on out. Why doesn’t the helmet fill with water? Well, it’s the same principle as when you dip a glass into water…

SeaWalker Bali

Once your feet are firmly on the ocean floor (depth of 3-5 metres), your SeaWalker instructor will guide you around for roughly 20 minutes. You can jump up and down, dance, feed the fish, spin around, etc, and if ever you don’t feel comfortable or you want to head back up on the barge, just hand signal to your instructor and they’ll take care of you! If you have an underwater camera, you are also welcome to take that down with you (otherwise they can supply you with photos that they take for an additional cost). I took my GoPro along for the ride, and obviously my under-water selfie game was strong! Haha. Here’s some of my favorites that I captured on my GoPro… SeaWalker Bali

SeaWalker Bali

SeaWalker Bali

SeaWalker Bali

SeaWalker Bali

SeaWalker Bali

Selfie game on point…

SeaWalker Bali

SeaWalker Bali

SeaWalker Bali

The look of pure joy on my face as I get to touch ALL the fish!!!

SeaWalker Bali

SeaWalker Bali

SeaWalker Bali

SeaWalker Bali

Are you brave enough to try out the SeaWalker experience?

SeaWalker Bali

SeaWalker Bali

SeaWalker Bali
