Wide World of Children.


<Insert Jaws music here>

From January 17 until January 25, the performers of La Nouba’s Cirque du Soleil are taking a much deserved vacation; dark week, if you may. Good for them, but for us, this means…


Dun, dun, dun.

Horrible, horrible deployment. It’s almost like a punishment for something I never did wrong. Last time we had a dark week I was lucky enough to escape deployment and spend my glorious week in the Cirque Box Office ruining guests’ vacations by telling them there were no shows on that week. That was fun. Well, fun until that dramatic mum with her overly dramatic daughter came to my window. Let’s reminisce, shall we…

Mother: I’d like two tickets for tonight’s performance please.
Me: Sorry ma’am, the performers are on vacation this week, there are no shows on until next Tuesday.
Mother: But I promised my daughter we’d see the circus. We came here for the circus!
Me: Sorry ma’am but these black out dates were published months ago.
Daughter: Mommy, does this mean I can’t see the circus?
Mother: Yes, sweetheart, we can’t see the circus. I’m so sorry.
Daughter: But mommy! <Insert daughters tears here>
Mother: I know sweetheart, I know. <Insert mothers tears here>

*Mother grabs daughters hand, turns around, and they walk off crying into the sunset together.*

Would it have been wrong to wish them a magical day at this point? Hmmm. I quite like my job though, so I guess we’ll never know.

It was almost like a scene out of a movie, way too much for me. Until today, though, little did I know that I’d rather ruin guests’ vacations over being deployed to Disney’s Wide World of Sports. Ugh.

Today, for the first time ever, I ventured out (deployed: forced, had no other option, needed to pay rent) of my comfortable Cirque bubble and entered into the unknown… The Wide World of Sports.

Here, for a wonderful six hours of my life (that I will unfortuantely never get back), I registered children *cringes* for a four day gymnastics tournament that is taking place there. Childrennnnnn. Children from right around the U.S.A… and a bonus few from Colombia and Puerto Rico. Oh, the joys! You’d think I’d be use to children by now, having worked at Disney for six months already, but, fortunately, at Cirque, children are in the minority. Today though, today was like child influx day. Way too many kids, all wearing sparkling, glittery gym gear with their overbearing parental units and coaches, all ready to compete against each other and let their fangs and claws out! I wanted to bury my head into my hands and disappear into a child-free world! Lie. I almost wanted to eat my own hands so I wouldn’t have to register them anymore! GAHHH!

The kid influx was one thing, but then the kids parents. Woah. So nasty and competitive. Maybe I just don’t get it, because back home in Australia we don’t do sports the way schools here in the U.S.A. do it, but man, it was weird. I’d like to say that I never want to be surrounded by that many competitive children, or any sort of children in those numbers, again, but unfortunately (yes, to your horror, and mine), I must report back there again tomorrow for another lovely six hour shift of registering gymnastics kids. Fun, fun, fun! So much fun I can barely control myself!

Today made me appreciate Cirque that little bit more than I already did.

*Hugs Cirque*
